Two suffer electric shocks after touching lamp post, villagers demand urgent repairs

Public TV English
Public TV English
1 Min Read

BAGALKOT: Two people suffered electric shocks after they touched a high mast streetlamp a Chikkapadasalagi village in Jamakhandi taluk on Tuesday.

The high mast lamps have been installed on the main road near the bus stop and locals complained that electricity leakage has been noticed in 4-5 of the lamp posts. This has been happening for the last 3-4 days, they said.

An electricity tester shows power surging through the metal body of the electricity pole.

The villagers pointed out that the electricity poles pose a danger to people, especially since it has been continuously raining for the last few days. They demanded that either the gram panchayat or Hescom take up immediate repair works on the lamp posts before any untoward incident occurs.

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