Tahsildar threatens schoolgirls, who wanted to give memorandum, of getting them arrested

Public TV English
Public TV English
1 Min Read

BELAGAVI: Khanapur tahsildar Prakash Gaikwad allegedly threatened a group of schoolgirls, who had gone to present a memorandum seeking bus facility to their villages, of getting them arrested for obstructing a government official.

A group of girl students from Karanjala, Halasala and Balki BH villages had gone to meet the tahsildar in his office on Monday. The angry tahsildar threatened them saying, “I will call the police and get you arrested. It is not right for you people to sit in front of the office and raise slogans”.

The behaviour of the tahsildar has come in for wide condemnation from locals. The villagers say they have made several representation over the last few years for bus services, but to no avail. Many of the villages are on the fringes of the forests and there is a threat of wild animal attacks. Students have to walk back to the villages and return home only at night, they pointed out.

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