Power consumption above 12-month average will be billed under Gruha Jyothi: Minister George

Public TV English
4 Min Read

BENGALURU: With several questions surrounding the Gruha Jyothi scheme of the Congress government, including the fate of people living in rented houses, Energy Minister K J George on Wednesday sought to clear all doubts on its implementation and those eligible for it.

Even a week after the scheme was announced, there were several unanswered questions, which Public TV had constantly highlighted. While those living in rented houses were anxious if they would be eligible for the benefit, the notification issued by the officials had created more confusion.

In the run-up to the election, the Congress had announced “200 units of free power for all”, but after it came to power, conditions are being imposed on all its guarantees, leading to public ire. While there was no problem for those living in a rented house for the last one year, those who had shifted to another house a few months ago were worried if they would be considered for the scheme benefit.

Energy Minister K J George sought to clear doubts about the Gruha Jyothi scheme on Wednesday.

Energy Minister K J George said, “Chief Minister Siddaramaiah has already explained in his first press conference that the average of 12 months of power consumption will be considered along with a 10 per cent margin. This will be applicable for those living own houses as well as rented house. Those applying for the scheme should link their Aadhaar and RR number and people living in rented houses should provide their rental/lease agreement or voter ID. The service will be available at BangaloreOne, KarnatakaOne, GramaOne and other Seva Kendras”.

Further, he said registration will start from June 15 and people can also register on the Seva Sindhu portal. “There are 2.16 crore registered domestic consumers of which 2.14 crore use less than 200 units of power. The total domestic power consumption in the state is 14,00,852 million units, which works out to an average of 53 units per connection per month”, he said.

“Based on the 12-month average power consumption and adding 10 per cent, consumers will get zero bill. Any extra consumption over the average and up to 200 units will be charged, including fixed charges and taxes. If the consumption crosses 200 units, the entire charges will have to be paid. We have all the data”, the minister said.

For tenants, if the residential address and the the RR number are of the same address, only the Aadhaar card will do. If it is different, then the voter ID/rental or lease agreements will have to be provided. They can also provide other documents like ration card/driving licence/passport, the minister explained. “Regarding those who may have shifted to another house recently, I will discuss with the Chief Minister and announce the norms within the next two days”, George said.

Meanwhile, the Citizens Rights Foundation, a citizens group, has writtent to Chief Minister Siddaramaiah asking him to review the condition imposed for availing the benefit of the Gruha Jyothi scheme. The poor will remain poor, the foundation said.

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