Man murders acquaintance, carries chopped body parts in bags and dumps them in river

Public TV English
Public TV English
3 Min Read
Madhav Rao (right) murdered Srinath, chopped his body and dumped the parts in the river.

BENGALURU: In a gruesome murder, a man killed his acquaintance by hitting him on the head with an iron rod, chopped his body into pieces, packed them in bags and dumped them in the Pinakini river near Bellathur.

The incident occurred on the intervening night of May 28 and 29, but was revealed after the arrest of the accused. The police are now searching the Pinakini river for victim’s body parts.

Srinath seen at Madhav Rao’s house on May 28, but was not seen exiting.

The victim K V Srinath (34) was a development officer with Margadarsi Chit Funds. He and the accused Madhav Rao knew each other for two years, but had a dispute over the latter not paying up Rs 5 lakh towards a chit fund. It is also alleged that Srinath had an illicit relationship with Madhav Rao’s wife.

On May 28, Srinath left home for work, but did not return. The next day, tis wife lodged a missing person’s complaint with the Sampigehalli police. During investigation, the police found out from CCTV footage that Srinath had visited Madhav Rao’s house at Vijinapura on K R Pura on May 28, but there was no sign of him leaving the house.

Madhav Rao leaving his with a bag containing body parts.

When the police inquired, they realised that Madhav Rao was missing and there were also blood stains in his house. They finally traced him to Andhra Pradesh and arrested him.

During questioning, Madhav Rao revealed that on May 28, Srinath had visited his house and the two had an argument over paying Rs 5 lakh towards the chit fund. In a fit of anger Madhav Rao hit Srinath on the head with a jack rod and when he collapsed, the chopped the body into pieces.

The police looking for the bags in the Pinakini river near Bellathur.

Madhav Rao then packed the body parts in plastic, first dumped one bag and later dumped two more bags into the Pinakini river. Madhav Rao carrying the bags in the night and leaving his house was captured on a CCTV camera. He then switched off his mobile phone and fled to Andhra Pradesh.

The case has now been transferred to the Ramamurthy Nagar police and a search is on for the body parts.

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