Harassed, blackmailed by stalker, woman ends life in Chintamani, family thrashes accused

Public TV English
Public TV English
1 Min Read

CHIKKABALLAPUR: A married woman ended her life by hanging in her house, unable to bear the continuous harassment by a stalker.

Alfia Taj, a resident of Chowdareddy Palya in Chintamani town, was married off when she was in high school by her parents. However, she had returned to her parental home as she could not live with her husband.

Syed Nasir, a married man from the same locality, was pestering Alfia to love him. Her brothers had earlier warned him not to stalk her.

But Nasir did not relent and started to blackmail Alfia after posting a morphed picture of the two together on social media. Afraid of the repurcussions, Alfia hanged herself to death in her house.

Holding Nasir responsible for her death, her family members barged into Nasir’s house and thrashed him. Nasir’s family has since locked the house and fled.

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