Elephant from Bandipur enters Manandavadi town in Kerala, dies in Ramapura camp

Public TV English
Public TV English
1 Min Read

CHAMARAJANAGAR: An elephant from Kerala, which was brought to the elephant camp in Ramapura in Sargur taluk of the Bandipur tiger reserve has died after it collapsed after suffering a cardiac arrest.

Huge crowds had gathered atop buildings to see the elephant.

The elephant had been captured in Belur taluk in Hassan district, radio-collared and released in the Bandipur forest. However, it had crossed the state borders and ventured into sparsely populated area in Manandavadi town in Kerala. The Forest officials in that state, in a quick operation, had tranquilised the elephant and captured it.

The elephant being put on a truck by Kerala forest officials after it was captured on Friday night.

The elephant was brought to the Ramapura camp in a truck on Friday night. But the elephant, called Tanneer Komban, collapsed and died, according to Forest officials. After the post-morterm examination, it was determined that the elephant had died after suffering a cardiac arrest, the officials said.

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