KOPPAL: A woman, who was fed up of waiting for a bus for hours, threw a stone at a nonstop bus, damaging its window. The incident occurred near Hosa Lingapura in Koppal taluk on Sunday evening. She finally paid a penalty of Rs 5,000 and travelled by the same bus.
Lakshmi, a resident of Papanalli near Ilkal, had gone to Huligi to visit the Huligemma temple along with another woman and two children. After visiting the temple, she was waiting near Hosa Lingapura for a bus to return to her village. When the Koppal-Hosapete nonstop bus approached the village, she pelted a stone at the bus, damaging its window glass.

The bus driver-cum-conductor Muthanna Kukanoor then drove the bus straight to the Munirabad police station along with all the passengers including Lakshmi and her companions. He then spoke to his depot manager who advised that the woman should pay towards the damage or that an FIR would be filed against her.
The woman then apologised and paid Rs 5,000 and travelled by the same bus. “It was raining and I had been waiting for a bus for about four hours, but none of the buses would stop. I lost my mind and threw a stone at the bus”, she said.
Bus driver Muthanna said, “She was to travel to Ilkal in the other direction and I was driving towards Hospet. What if the stone had hit another woman in the bus?”