BENGALURU: Hanumantha Lamani, a wildcard entrant, became the winner of the Bigg Boss Kannada 11 Grand Finale title. He also took home a cash prize of Rs 50 lakh. Trivikram was declared the first runner-up and Rajath the second runner-up of BB Season- 11.
Hanumantha added a special touch to the finale by giving a heartfelt musical rendition. When the grand finale was just hours away, Mokshitha stood as the only female finalist this season. But she was eliminated, followed by Ugram Manju.
Kichcha Sudeep, the face of Bigg Boss Kannada, hosted the season for over a decade. Sudeep had earlier announced that this will be his final season as the show’s host.
It’s worth noting that until now, the contestants who entered the Bigg Boss house at the beginning of the show were the ones who won the trophy. Hanumantha’s win has broken this trend, and he has created a new record in the history of Bigg Boss Kannada.
Speaking on the stage after winning the trophy, Hanumanth said, “I swear to God that I didn’t know that I would win Bigg Boss. I came just to have fun and enjoy my time here. If I had known that I would win, I would have come after learning some things. But now I don’t know what to say. I won with the blessings of God, Sudeep sir, and the people of Kannada land”.
Sudeep’s father, M Sanjeev was also present at the finale show to support his son, as it was the last host for the show. He was sitting among the audience. He was introduced by music composer Yogaraj Bhat.