Three policemen suspended after two of family commit suicide

Public TV English
2 Min Read
One person died on Sunday and another in hospital on Monday.

CHAMARAJANAGAR: Three police personnel were suspended after two persons among a family of four, who had attempted suicide, died on Sunday and Monday. The suspended officials are Police Inspector P P Santosh, Assistant Sub-Inspector and Head Constable Raghavendra.

Additional SP Nandini issued the suspension orders as the police personnel had not registered a case under the S/ST Prevention of Atrocities Act, POCSO Act and the IPC Section 370 based on the complaint of the minor victim.

The minor’s mother died on Monday in hospital; Three police personnel have been suspended.

The parents of the minor victim had lodged a complaint with the KR Nagar police alleging that a youth from a neighbouring village had been blackmailing her after clicking private photos and videos of them. As they were unsure of getting justice, they decided to end their lives.

The grandparents of the victim, and her mother, had gone to Male Mahadeshwara Hills and on their way back, they consumed poison at Talabetta. The grandfather Mahadev Nayak died on Sunday while the victim’s mother Leelavathi died at the CIMS hospital on Monday without responding to treatment. The condition of the two others is said to be critical and they have been kept in the intensive care unit.

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