BENGALURU: Three workers were killed after an under-construction multi-storeyed building collapsed at Anjanadri Layout in Babusab Palya near Hennur on Tuesday. The building reportedly collapsed due to heavy rains in the city over the last four days.
Sources said that 15 workers were still trapped under debris. Firefighters and local police have rushed to the spot and are carrying out rescue operations. The bodies of the three dear were recovered. It is suspected that many people are trapped under the debris.
“A total of 20 people were there. Seven of our workers were on site, and one of them has died. The building collapsed due to heavy rainfall. It was a seven-story building. Three others have been injured and hospitalized,” said an eyewitness.
“We are labourers working here. When we were on a lunch break at around 1.00 pm, we heard a loud sound, and the building started shaking. A man who was working inside the building died on the spot,” another eyewitness, Mehfoos, recounted. More details are awaited.