BENGALURU: The city police have arrested three people for cheating a techie of Rs 11.83 crore in a ‘digital arrest’ case. The investigation has revealed explosive details about the scam, which was operated from Dubai by fraudsters.
The scammers, who are allegedly from Pakistan and China, have been using personal data of Indian citizen, including Aadhaar and PAN numbers, to open bank accounts and conduct transactions worth crores of rupees. They have also been using this data to purchase drugs online.
The scammers are allegedly selling personal data to fraudsters in China and Pakistan. The police have warned citizens to be cautious when sharing their personal data, especially with strangers. They have also advised people to be careful when applying for loans or credit cards online and to verify the authenticity of the websites and companies before sharing their personal data.
In this case, the police have arrested three people, including a young techie from Mumbai, who has been accused of selling personal data to the scammers. The police are still investigating the case, and cautioned that people should be more cautious while sharing personal data.