Stray dog goes on biting spree, leaves many injured in Hassan

Public TV English
Public TV English
1 Min Read

HASSAN: A stray dog went on a biting spree, leaving at least nine people, including women and children, injured at Siddaiah Nagar here on Friday evening. All the injured were treated at the district hospital.

The locality where the incident occurred.

Residents of the locality have raised concern over the rising number of stray dogs and say they fear treading out. A municipal official said a stray dog attacked about 30-40 people in the locality and they are making efforts to catch it.

“During the rain, rabid dogs get scared of water and need shelter, but there are no such facilities. We are looking for the dog and if it turns out to be rabid, the mayor has instructed that all the victims should be provided proper treatment”, he said.

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