BALLARI: The police on Wednesday arrested seven men who had kidnapped paediatrician Dr Sunil of the Vijayapura district hospital on January 25 when he was out on a morning, walk for a ransom of Rs 5 crore. The police also shot at one of the kidnappers when he allegedly tried to attack them.
The arrested are the kingpin of the gang, Srikanth, Rakesh, Tarun, Arun, Bhojaraj, Saikumar and another individual who hails from Andhra Pradesh. When a police team went to arrest them from Moka village on the outskirts of Ballari, Srikanth allegedly attacked the police and tried to flee. Then, police inspector Mallikarjun Sindhur shot at Srikanth in the right leg, Police Superintendent Shobha Rani told media persons on Wednesday.
The injured Srikanth was admitted to a trauma care while police personnel Kalinga was admitted at the Vijayanagar Institute of Medical Sciences (VIMS). The police traced the accused by tracking the car used for the kidnapping, the SP said. The officer also visited the hospital and inquired about the health of the injured policeman.
After making a ransom demand for Rs 5 crore, the kidnappers had released Dr Sunil the same night in a field after giving him Rs 300 to travel by bus. The police are also investigating whether there was any insider involvement in the kidnapping.
Dr Sunil’s brother Venugopal is the president of the district liquor merchants association, and the police are exploring possible links between the kidnapping and Venugopal’s business dealings.