Seven aid workers in Gaza killed in attack, Israeli military probing claim

Public TV English
1 Min Read

TEL AVIV : The IDF (Israel Defense Forces) said that it is investigating a claim made by World Central Kitchen (WCK) that seven of its workers in Gaza were killed in an IDF strike.

“Following the reports of the incident concerning the employees of the WCK organization in the Gaza Strip”, said the IDF, it “began an in-depth investigation of the incident by the most senior ranks, in order to understand all the circumstances of the incident.”

WCK released a statement saying that its team, comprised of people from five different nations, was traveling in a “deconflicted” zone in two armored cars branded with the WCK logo and a soft skin vehicle.

World Central Kitchen calls itself a not-for-profit non-governmental organization “devoted to providing meals in the wake of natural disasters.” (ANI/TPS)

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