Scan QR code, hear musical sounds of stone pillar at Hampi Vijaya Vitthala temple

Public TV English
Public TV English
1 Min Read

BALLARI: The remains of the Vijayanagar empire at Hampi draws thousands of tourists every day. The Vijaya Vitthala temple is among the major tourist attractions at Hampi with its musical stone pillars.

Each of the pillars at the Sangeeth Mantap at the temple give out different musical sounds when struck. The Archaeological Survey of India, which is in charge of the Hampi ruins, has now installed a QR code in front of one pillar which reproduces the musical sounds of the stone pillar upon being scanned.

The QR code is already piquing tourist interest and the ASI plans to install more such QR codes based on tourist response. The move to install QR codes was based on responses from tourists and locals. The new measure is expected to enhance tourist experience.

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