RT Nagar main road white-topping won’t be completed by Deepavali 

Public TV English
Public TV English
2 Min Read

BENGALURU: Despite promises to complete the white-topping work on RT Nagar’s main road before Deepavali, the project remains incomplete, leaving residents frustrated.

The delay in white-topping work has resulted in dust pollution, posing health issues for local residents, pedestrians and vehicle users.

The white-topping projects in several parts of Bengaluru, which were supposed to be completed within the deadline, are still unfinished, causing inconvenience to the public. Specifically, the work on RT Nagar main road, which began a year ago, has only partially completed one lane, while the other lane is yet to be taken up.


Chandrashekar, a two-wheeler owner, said white-topping work is going slowly. “People are suffering due to delayed work. Footpath is not ready yet. Those who invested capital in business are really regretting because of the slow work. It may lead to a road accidents. Yesterday, my bike collided with another vehicle due to the pathetic condition of the road. Almost one year is completed for this white-topping and it may need one more year”, he felt.

Another road user, Javed said, “I don’t know what the problem is for slowing down work. The road is very dangerous for children, who use bicycles. The small stretch of one-way has become two-way now. There is a holiday for schools. Hence, it is difficult to protect them on such a busy traffic road.”

Shabbir said, “What to say as public. There is no use in sharing our problems. All have witnessed incompleted white-topping work, but nothing is being done. The department concerned has also turned deaf. How can schoolchildren go on the road?. The department should think about it”, he added.

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