BENGALURU: A four-year-old boy, Rishan, was attacked by a Rottweiler near the Ganesha temple in Indiranagar, Bengaluru. The boy’s father was also bitten while trying to rescue him. The dog, which belongs to the boy’s neighbour Mageshwari and her husband Sanjay, was bought eight months ago.
It is alleged that the dog is very aggressive in nature and that it attacked many people prior to this. But the dog owners ignored it, and they used to free the dog to wander outside instead of tying it inside the house.
On the evening of January 5, the dog jumped over the small gate in front of the house and attacked Rishan, who was playing outside. The boy’s father came after hearing the boy crying and tried to rescue him, but was also bitten by the dog.
Rishan’s parents, who are from Kerala, have been living in the house for over a year. They alleged that the dog’s owners had been negligent in securing the animal, despite knowing its aggressive nature. A case has been filed against Mageshwari and Sanjay at the Indiranagar police station.
Rishan is currently undergoing treatment at a hospital, and his parents are struggling to pay the medical bills. They claimed that they had called the dog’s owners for financial help, but they were unresponsive. They shifted the dog to another place after the incident.
In another incident, a pet dog was run over by a goods vehicle at Belappa Circle in Mallasanarada near T Dasarahalli.
The dog, named Jimmy, belonged to Prakash Rao and was standing in front of his house when the goods vehicle (KA-02-AG-1027) ran over it, killing it on the spot. The driver didn’t even stop the vehicle to check what had happened.
The CCTV footage shows the autorickshaw running over the dog, causing it severe injuries. The dog can be seen struggling and whining in pain before succumbing to its injuries.