BENGALURU: The Forest Department has proposed a rehabilitation centre for wild animals straying into the cities, but the wildlife experts are sceptical about the project.
In the last two months, 14 people had been killed in wild animal attacks and the government planned to take measures, like setting up task forces, to prevent recurrence of such incidents. The government has planned to implement the ‘Gujarat Model’ in wildlife conservation, but wildlife experts have expressed disapproval of the plan.
“The normal process is that the Forest Department captures the wild animals and releases them into the forest. The government has now planned to establish rehabilitation centers for wild animals straying into the cities. If the wild animals are kept in rehabilitation centres and released back to the forest in this way, other wild animals may get diseases as there are high chances of infection and the natural habitat of animals will be disturbed. More than setting up rehabilitation centres, they should train the patrol staff. The government should not devise a scheme to just to please people. The ‘Gujarat Model’ is not permitted under the Wildlife Act”, Ramesh Belagere, a wildlife expert, pointed out.