BENGALURU: Residential quarters constructed for government officials in Anekal, after spending crores, have been lying in a state of disuse for several years now. These have even become a haven for illegal activities at night.
Years ago, the government spent crores to build residential accommodation for government employees, next to the taluk panchayat office, on the outskirts of Bengaluru, but they have been lying unoccupied. These quarters, built in different parts of Anekal, were meant to accommodate Taluk Panchayat executive officer, the tahsildar, police Inspectors and sub-Inspectors. But unfortunately, none of them live there, and instead prefer rented accommodation.

With no proper maintenance, the quarters are a complete mess from the inside out and are infested with snakes and scorpions. The taluk panchayat office and the court are right beside these quarters and locals complaing that they are left with no parking space. They also noted that the government should demolish the structures and put the available space to good use.

“The residential quarters constructed for government officials have been in a state of disuse for several years. The government should renovate the building and use it for its intended purpose. No government officials live here anymore. We appeal to the government to give these spaces to the lawyers’ association for offices”, said Ramakrishnappa, a lawyer.

“The unused government quarters are located at Attibele in Anekal. The place has become a hub for illegal activities at night. The government can renovate it and reuse it for other purposes rather than wasting the infrastructure”, felt Sashi Janadhani, a local.