KALABURAGI: A life convict, who had served his term and was let off on the grounds of good behaviour, had remained in jail as his family members did not bother to pay the fine imposed by the court. Finally, the prison officials themselves stepped in and ensured that the convict walked out of jail.
Durgappa, a resident of Raichur district, was sentenced to life imprisonment and ordered to pay a fine of Rs 1 lakh in 2013 and was ordered to be released for good behaviour in 2024. However, his relatives did not bother to pay the fine when informed that Durgappa could be set free if it was paid. Hence, Durgappa continued to remain in the Kalaburagi central jail.

Meanwhile, prison officials collected information about the wages Durgappa had earned during his stay in jail and realised that he had accumulated over Rs 1 lakh in his bank account. The officials themselves went to his village, withdrew the money and paid up the fine amount. Following this, Durgappa was set free from the jail.