Police take away clothes of tourists risking lives at Charmadi waterfall

Public TV English
1 Min Read
Patrol policemen took away the clothes of the tourists as they were in a restricted area.

CHIKKAMAGALUR: Fed up of pesky tourists risking their lives at waterfalls, policemen took away the clothes of three men who had climbed the Charmadi Falls in Mudigere taluk.

On seeing the police taking away their clothes, the men ran behind pleading for their clothes to be returned. “Sir, please sir. We won’t do such a thing again. Please give back our clothes”, they begged.

The men had climbed the rocks at the waterfall, which is a restricted area. After reaching the police patrol vehicle, the tourists got into an argument with the Banakal patrol team. After heated exchanges, the police returned the clothes to the visitors.

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