Police rescue woman, two children from ending their lives in Sagar taluk

Public TV English
Public TV English
1 Min Read
The police rescued the woman and her children from the water.

SHIVAMOGGA: The police rescued a woman and her two children who were attempting to commit suicide by jumping into a stream at Kugve village in Sagar taluk on Monday. The woman was identified as Sangeetha (33) and her children Preethi (13) and Prajwal (9).

Owing to domestic dispute, Sangeetha, along with her two children, had come near the stream on a scooter, left their mobile phone and footwear on the bank, and had planned to commit suicide by jumping into the water.

Locals, who noticed this, tried to convince the woman against doing so, but Sangeetha insisted on ending their lives. In the meantime, one of the locals called the emergency number 112 and informed the police.

A police team promptly arrived at the scene, rescued the woman and her children and took them to the Sagar police station to be counselled.

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