Police dog Raksha dies of illness, laid to rest with state honours in Kolar

Public TV English
Public TV English
1 Min Read

KOLAR: Police dog Raksha (10), who had been part of the canine squad for the last eight years, died on Wednesday due to illness. Raksha had been instrumental in cracking many criminal cases.

Raksha was part of the canine squad at the Kolar District Armed Reserve and started training since she was a three-month-old pup at the CAR South centre at Adugodi in Bengaluru. The canine had detected leads in four murder and dacoity cases when the police had hit a dead end.

The Kolar police mourned the loss of their canine colleague and laid her to rest with full state honours at the DAR parade grounds. Kolar SP Nikhil B was also present on the occasion.

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