Police arrest man fleecing policemen with threats of complaints with human rights panel

Public TV English
1 Min Read

BENGALURU: A man who was extorting police personnel by threatening to file complaints with the State Human Rights Commission has been arrested by the Shivajinagar police.

The accused, Syed Sarfaraz, would visit police stations and gain the trust of officers and policemen. He would collect information about cases and accused persons and then demand money by threatening to file complaints with the State Human Rights Commission if his demands were not met.

The accused had earlier filed a complaint with the State Human Rights Commission against the police inspector of Shivajinagar police station, alleging that police illegally kept the accused in police custody. He had then demanded Rs 50,000 to withdraw the case.

He complained against several policemen at the State Human Rights Commission. The police have arrested him and are investigating further.

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