MYSURU: Students allegedlyl indulged in mass copying using textbooks and gadgets like mobile phones in the Karnataka State Open University (KSOU) exams conducted at a regional exam centre in Ballari during March this year, giving rise to suspicion of corruption. A video clip of mass copying at the exam hall during the geography exam is now going viral on social media.
A KSOU lecturer, Dr Jagadish Babu, said, “We should not investigate this ourselves and cover it up. Earlier, KSOU has handed over such cases to the CBI for investigation”. He demanded a high-level investigation into the Ballari case.
He further said, that UGC and government regulations are being given the go-by at KSOU and recruitment has been done goig against all rules. “As per rules, the approved posts are 500 for non-teaching faculties, but now more than 1,300 people have been working as non-teaching staff. If anyone raises their voice against the university administration, they are threatened with transfer. The total sanctioned posts for teaching faculties are 102. There are already 70 staff members and 50 are working on a temporary basis, but further recruitment process is going on. We do not know when we will come to the streets if the university functions this way”, Dr Jagadish Babu rued.

According to the budget of the university for 2023-24, the university has an income of Rs 86 crore, but it is spending Rs 263 crore. “It has spent Rs 177 crore additionally. The university does not get a single grant from the government. Yet, the expenditure alone is three times more than the income. The chancellor of the university has proposed to spend the money deposited in the university’s account. If they spend in this fashion for 2-3 years, the entire money will be drained and there will be problems in paying salaries of the staff”, Dr. Jagadish Babu said.