Online campaign for bike taxi services condemns ‘harassment’ by auto drivers

Chandan Arora
Chandan Arora
1 Min Read

BENGALURU: The conflict between autorickshaw drivers and bike taxi riders continues even after the former went on strike for a day demanding a ban on app-based bike taxi services in the city. In the meanwhile, the Transport Department has remained mum pointing to the fact the a case related to bike taxis is already before the high court.

There have been several instances of confrontation between autorickshaw drivers and bike taxi riders over the last few days.

Over the last two days since the auto strike, there have been at least five instances wherein autorickshaw drivers have got into spats with bike taxi riders. Following this, bike taxi riders have now launched a #SaveBikeTaxi hashtag campaign on social media expressing their ire over the alleged highhandedness of the autorickshaw drivers.

The online campaign has drawn responses from hundreds of netizens condemning the attitude of the autorickshaw drivers.

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