Onion prices jump to Rs 70 kg in Bengaluru

Public TV English
1 Min Read

BENGALURU: The prices of the kitchen staple onion have skyrocketed in Bengaluru’s markets, from Rs 50 per kg just last week to Rs 60-Rs 70 per kg now. The surge is attributed to reduced supply due to excessive rainfall in parts of Karnataka, resulting in a significant drop in onion production.

Previously, North Karnataka supplied onions to the state, but heavy rainfall has led to spoilage. Currently, onions are being sourced from Pune in Maharashtra.

Traders predict that the price may rise further around Dasara. Meanwhile, garlic prices have already crossed Rs 400 per kg. The common public is already suffering due to the price hikes on essential commodities and now they have to bear the pressure of the onion price hike.

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