MADURAI (Tamil Nadu) : Ahead of his 74th birthday on Thursday, December 12, a new statue of South megastar Rajinikanth has been unveiled at the “Arulmigu Sri Rajini Temple” in Thirumangalam, Madurai. The statue depicts Rajinikanth’s iconic character from the movie ‘Mappillai’, honouring the legendary actor’s contributions to cinema.
The temple, which is overseen by Karthik, a retired Army officer, has long been a place for Rajinikanth’s fans to pay tribute to the actor. Karthik, a devoted fan of Rajinikanth, started the temple out of his deep admiration for the superstar. For years, he has conducted daily prayers and special worship services at the temple.
Originally located in an upper room of Karthik’s house, the temple displayed pictures and statues of Rajinikanth. However, this year, as a tribute to Rajinikanth’s 74th birthday, a new 3-foot tall, 300 kg statue inspired by the actor’s character in Mappillai has replaced the previous statue. Special prayers and rituals have been planned to mark the occasion.
While speaking to ANI, Karthik shared his excitement and shared, “To commemorate Rajinikanth’s 74th birthday, a new 3-foot tall, 300 kg statue of the superstar has been unveiled. Last year, in October, a statue of Rajinikanth was installed and worshipped. Now, a new statue has been created.”
Speaking about the celebrations at the temple, Karthik added, “Today, special abhishekam rituals were performed for the new statue. A few months ago, Rajinikanth’s PRO contacted us to inquire about the temple. We are now waiting for an invitation from Rajinikanth to visit him and receive his blessings. Happy Birthday, Thalaiva!”
Rajinikanth, known as Thalaiva (leader) by his fans, is one of the most beloved and influential actors in Indian cinema. With a career spanning over four decades, he has appeared several films including Tamil, Telugu, Kannada, Hindi, and English. His larger-than-life persona, unique style, and memorable characters have earned him a massive fan base, making him a cultural icon not just in South India but worldwide. (ANI)