Morarji Desai school students in Attibele protest against poor food quality, principal’s harassment

Public TV English
Public TV English
1 Min Read

BENGALURU: Students of the Morarji Desai residential school at Attibele in Anekal taluk on Tuesday morning staged a protest against the poor quality of food and the negligent attitude of the school principal. The students first gathered on the main road at Attibele Circle and were later convinced by the police to move to the footpath.

The students complained that principal Bhagya C R has been harassing them and that they are being provided substandard food. If they bring the issue to the notice of the principal, the quality of food improves for two days and then it is back to poor quality food, they alleged.

The students said that there are small stones in the rice and that there are no vegetables or bulses in the sambar. Beverages like coffee or tea is made from one litre of milk and given to the 180 students of the school hostel, they alleged. Those who complain are targeted they added.

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