Minor plotted and executed college student Prabuddha’s murder, reveals investigation

Public TV English
Public TV English
2 Min Read

BENGALURU: In a major revelation in the murder case of college student Prabuddha, the daughter of a social activist, investigation has revealed that a minor boy committed the murder and tried to portray it as suicide. This was revealed during questioning of the suspect.

The minor told the police during questioning that he took advantage of old scars and some marks on Prabuddha’s body. He killed her by slashing the same scars and old wound marks on Prabuddha’s neck and hand. He cut her wrist with a knife and on the old marks on her body. Prabuddha died due to excessive bleeding.

The police have succeeded in cracking the mystery behind the suspicious death of Prabuddha, which occurred in the jurisdiction of Subramanyapur police station in Bengaluru.

Initially, the police had registered a case of unnatural death as, prima facie, it seemed like a suicide. Her mother raised suspicion over her daughter’s death and lodged a complaint. The police registered a case of suspicious death and conducted a post-mortem examination.

But the police did not get any clarity even after the postmortem report reached them, leaving them confused about whether it was a suicide or murder. After continuous efforts, the police got a tip-off from CCTV footage that a minor appeared near her house around 5 pm on that day from about three or four roads away from Prabuddha’s house.

At first, the police did not get suspicious about the minor. But when they could not piece together any evidence of him returning home, they got suspicion and took the minor to the police station and questioned him when the murder plot was revealed.

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