Minor boy tries to rape aunt, strangulates her to death in Uppinangady

Public TV English
Public TV English
1 Min Read

MANGALURU: A minor boy allegedly attempted to rape his aunt and strangled her to death when she resisted his attempts. The incident took place in Uppinangady.

The deceased has been identified as Hemavati (37), a resident of Biliyur in Perne.

The family had informed the police that Hemavati died of a heart attack on June 17. But the police investigated the unnatural death on grounds of suspicion. During the investigation, it came to light that the 15-year-old boy, a student of Class 10, has murdered his aunt, and later admitted to the crime.

The minor boy, who is the son of the murdered Hemavati’s elder sister, came to Hemavati’s house on June 17 and stayed there. He tried to rape her while she was sleeping at night. She stopped him and sent him back to his room to sleep.

Fearing that the rape attempt would be revealed, the boy later strangled his aunt and killed her. The next day, he himself called his family members and told them that his aunt had died of a heart attack.

The murder came to light during the investigation. The Uppinangadi police arrested the accused boy and registered a case.

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