Man escapes attack by tusker in coffee estate by a whisker in Belur taluk

Public TV English
1 Min Read
The man had a lucky escape after the tusker came charging at him.

HASSAN: A man escaped being attacked by a tusker by the skin of his teeth at a estate at Kadegarje in Belur taluk. The incident occurred on June 28, but has come to light only now.

Mahesh Gowda had set out from his house for the estate early in the morning. In CCTV footage, he can be seen on the terrace of a building, gets down a stairway and leaves. But moments later, he can be seen running back towards the building with the trumpeting elephant chasing him.

Mahesh Gowda headed straight for the stairs and slipped, but quickly regained his balance and climbed back up even as the elephant stood at the foot of the stairway.

He can be seen making a gesture like folding his hands after which the elephant moves away a little distance. But it continued to hover around the building for several minutes, with Mahesh standing on the terrace waiting for it to leave.

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