Man assaults store owner after wife did not like saree

Public TV English
Public TV English
1 Min Read

KARWAR: A man assaulted the owner of a saree shop as his wife did not like the saree he had picked up for her from that shop. The incident occurred in Siri and was recorded on CCTV camera.

Mohammed, a resident of Sirsi, had bought a saree for his wife Sagar Showroom in CP Bazaar. However, as she did not like it, he returned to the shop to check out other sarees, but his wife didn’t like any of the others too.

The shop owner Balaram (circled) being beaten up by Mohammed and his friends.

Angered by this, Mohammed questioned the store owner Balaram why he didn’t have better sarees and used abusive language. Balaram then offered to return the money and told Mohammed not to use abusive language.

Mohammed continued shouting at Balaram, called his friend Sarfaraz and others, entered the shop and assaulted and threw punches at Balaram and another employee. A case has been registered in this regards at the Sirsi police station.

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