DAVANAGERE: Police have arrested the boyfriend of a housewife who committed suicide over an Instagram love affair. The arrested accused has been identified as Vijay Naikar, a resident of Shivalli village in Davangere. He was allegedly responsible for the divorce of the woman, victim Shwetha (23), who committed suicide.
Shwetha had left her husband and was living in a room at Srinagar in Davangere. She had committed suicide two days ago. Before taking her life, she left behind a death note saying she is responsible for her death.
Shwetha had believed Vijay’s promise to marry her, but he backed out after his family refused to approve the marriage, leading her to commit suicide, according to Davangere Police Commissioner Shashikumar. Shwetha’s family had filed a complaint against Vijay Naikar at the Davangere suburban police station.