Mamata Banerjee tries her hand at making Momos in Darjeeling

Public TV English
2 Min Read

KOLKATA: After making the popular Indian snack of Pani Puri two days ago, West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee on Thursday showcased her culinary skills by preparing the Tibetan snack momos in Darjeeling.

In a video shared by Trinamool Youth Congress member Dipankar Kumar Das, the party supremo can be seen sitting in a small kitchen of a local momo seller.

The West Bengal CM makes the savoury dumplings from scratch. She flattens the soft dough and adds fillings to it and then seals it. While making the snacks, she can be seen interacting with the woman.

This is not the first time Banerjee was seen trying her hands at making the local snacks.

Shortly after attending the swearing-in ceremony of newly elected members of Gorkhaland Territorial Administration (GTA), Banerjee was seen serving the ‘Pani Puri’ also known as ‘Phuchka’ to children and tourists.

While in the year 2019, just before returning to Kolkata from the seaside town of Digha, she had stopped at a tea stall, made fresh, steaming cups of tea and served them to locals.

Banerjee, who is on a three-day visit to Darjeeling, attended the oath-taking ceremony of 45 newly elected members of the Gorkhaland Territorial Administration (GTA). (ANI)

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