Maharashtra: 3 missing children found dead in car in Nagpur’s Teka Naka

Public TV English
2 Min Read

NAGPUR: In an unfortunate incident, the bodies of three missing children have been found in Farukh Nagar under the Panchpavali police station of Maharashtra’s Nagpur on Sunday.

As per the information received, the three children sat in the car while playing and locked the door from inside. All three died of heat and suffocation.

As soon as the information was received, a large number of officers and policemen including Police Commissioner Amitesh Kumar reached the spot.
“Bodies of three missing children were found in Farukh Nagar under the Panchpavali police station. The bodies of the missing children were found inside an old car parked near their home. The three children sat in the car while playing and locked the door from inside. They were missing after which a search was conducted. All three died of heat and suffocation,” Amitesh Kumar, Police Commissioner tweeted.

The bodies were found inside an old car parked in a scrap shop near a house.

Taufiq Firoz Khan (4), Aliya Firoz Khan (6) and Afreen Irshad Khan (6) suddenly disappeared while playing at Farukh Nagar ground in Teka Naka on Saturday afternoon.

When the children did not return till late at night, the relatives started searching for them. The missing complaint was filed at the Panchpavali police when they were unable to be traced. Seeing the seriousness of the matter, the police started a search. (ANI)

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