BENGALURU: The Lokayukta police raided offices and residences of eight officials across the state, including Bengaluru and other districts, on Wednesday morning in connection with accumulation of illegal assets beyond known sources of income.
Searches were conducted simultaneously at the houses, offices and farmhouses of these officials, and documents are being scrutinized. The Lokayukta police conducted the raids on officials across the state including in Bengaluru, Chikkamagaluru, Bidar, Belagavi, Tumakuru, Gadag, Ballari and Raichur.
The eight officers, including Shobha, Joint Director of Bengaluru’s Transport Department; Dr Umesh, Administrative Medical Officer of Kadur in Chikkamagaluru; Ravindra, Engineer with the Minor Irrigation Department in Bidar, Prakash Sridhar, Tahsildar of Khanapur in Belagavi, S Raju, a retired RTO officer from Tumakuru, Lokesh, Welfare Officer of the Backward Classes Department in Ballari; Huliraj, Junior Engineer of Bescom in Raichur; and Huchchesh Bandiwaddar, a City Municipal Council Engineer in Gadag-Betageti.