BENGALURU: A leopard has been spotted in Banashankari Layout, causing panic among local residents. The leopard has been seen roaming around 6th stage, 1st block area of Banashankari Layout. The movements of the leopard have been captured on CCTV cameras.
Residents are scared to venture out of their homes, especially during the early morning and evening hours. The leopard’s presence has also affected the delivery of essential services, including food, groceries and water. Delivery personnel are hesitant to enter the area due to fear of the leopard.
Over the past three months, more than 10 dogs, sheep and cattle have gone missing in the area, and residents suspect that the leopard may be responsible. The Forest Department has been informed, but no action has been taken yet to capture the leopard and relocate it.
This is not the first time a leopard has been spotted in the area. Previously, a leopard and its cub were seen on the main road near Turahalli forest, and it even attacked a BMTC bus conductor. The reappearance of a leopard has caused concern among residents, who are demanding that the Forest Department take immediate action to capture the animal. The residents of the area are struggling without drinking water due to lack of water tankers.