BENGALURU: The Excise department has collected over Rs 308 crore in revenue from liquor sales through the Karnataka State Beverages Corporation Limited (KSBCL) on New Year’s Eve alone on Tuesday.
The KSBCL had set a target of Rs 250 crore in liquor sales. Liquor was sold worth Rs 308 crore from Tuesday morning up to 2 pm. In comparison, liquor worth Rs 193 crore was sold on December 31, 2023. A total of 7,305 liquor vendors purchased liquor from KSBCL.
As per the Excise Department, revenue of Rs 250.25 crore was generated from selling 483.71 lakh boxes of IMFL (Indian Made Foreign Liquor) and Rs 57.75 crore from the sales of 292.33 lakh cases of beer. The total sales amounted to 776.04 lakh cases, generating revenue of Rs 308 crore.
The liquor worth Rs 408.58 crore was sold from December till date. The sales breakdown is as follows: Revenue of Rs 327.50 crore from 622.06 lakh boxes of IMFL and Rs 80.58 crore from 404.99 lakh boxes of beer. The total sales as on December 27 amounted to 10,26,060 lakh boxes, generating revenue of Rs 408.08 crore.