KALABURAGI: A woman has been arrested along with three others after she put out a hit job (supari) on her husband for Rs 5 lakh to break his legs as he was apparently close to another woman. The victim is now recuperating at home with two broken legs and a broken right hand.

Umadevi, a resident of Attar compound at Gazipur in Kalaburagi, was angry that her husband Venkatesh was close to another woman and the couple had quarrelled over this many times. Umadevi hatched a plan to get her husband’s legs broken so that he would become immobile and would stay with her. Interestingly, both had fallen in love and got married 30 years ago.
Police Superintendent Sharanappa said Umadevi hired Arif, Manohar and Sunil to break her husband Devaraj’s legs and gave them Rs 5 lakh. After the incident, their son lodged a complaint with the Brahmapur police suspecting a dacoity bid.
The police got suspicious about the circumstances leading to the incident and arrested Arif, Manohar and Sunil when it was revealed that Umadevi had ordered the hit job, the SP said.
Meanwhile, Devaraj said he had never expected the attack and blamed his fate for his suffering. He also said he is willing to live with his wife after she is released from jail.