Infants getting infected with dengue

Public TV English
Public TV English
2 Min Read

BENGALURU:  Dengue cases are on the rise in the state. In a curious case, dengue has been detected in a one-year-old child, as well as in children aged five, six and eight months. Hence, parents have been advised by medical experts to take additional care of their children and protect their health.

The health department has issued an alert for parents to be cautious as dengue is spreading rapidly among children. In the last week, 6,187 cases have been reported in various districts, including Bengaluru, and six people have died.

The Health Minister has warned that every parent must be extra cautious about their children’s health, otherwise, they may face health issues.

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Dengue virus was detected in 23 children under the age of one year; similarly, 15 cases in five-month-old children, 10 cases in  six-month-old children, 19 in seven-month-old children, 25 in eight-month-old children, 32 in nine-month-old children, 25 in 11-month-old children, and 29 in 12-month-old children.

Dengue is spreading among children so fast. It can spread to newborns from mothers as it is possible for the virus to pass from the mother to the baby through the placenta or during delivery.

Mosquito bites can also transmit dengue. Parents can protect their infants from dengue by using mosquito nets, avoiding mosquito breeding sites and taking precautions to prevent mosquito bites, health expert say.

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