IAS officer Rohini’s husband files complaint against IPS officer Roopa

Public TV English
Public TV English
2 Min Read

BENGALURU: The husband of IAS officer Rohini Sindhuri has filed a complaint against IPS officer D Roopa on Monday, alleging defamation.

“My wife Rohini Sindhuri’s private photos were shared on social media by IPS officers D Roopa Moudgil and she has defamed my wife’s image,” Sudhir Reddy said in his complaint filed at the Bagalagunte police station.

Earlier in the day, Sudhir Reddy spoke to the media and said, “Roopa is in no way related to Sindhu, even as regards work, and I want to know what her personal agenda is. Personally, I believe it is jealousy or, as stated in the press release, she suffers from some form of mental illness. How did she get the photos? From whose phone? Did Roopa hack into somebody’s phone to access the photos? Roopa should reveal the names of the three IAS officers to whom to photos were sent. She is simply presenting it out of context.”

Sudhir Reddy spoke to the media on Monday.

“I was born and brought up in Karnataka. We’ve been here for about 50-60 years. Our family members are leading private lives and Roopa is commenting on our family members which is wrong. I will also take action against this. Regarding D K Ravi’s death, it is an unfortunate event, we should not talk about him. We knew Lucky Ali before I married Rohini Sindhuri. I am a software engineer and I was working in the US. I came back to India to take care of my parents. This is very personal. Either Roopa has to tell how she got those photos or there should be an inquiry. Since I cannot conduct an inquiry, I will file a complaint,” he added.

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