Firemen rescue buffalo stuck inside manhole on college campus in Naragund

Public TV English
Public TV English
2 Min Read

GADAG: A buffalo which had fallen into a manhole at Naragund town and was struggling to free itself for about three hours was rescued by the Fire and Emergency Services personnel.

College students had tried to rescue the animal before the firemen arrived.

The bufallo, belonging to Shivappa Hadapa of Hunashikatti village in Naragund taluk, had fallen into an open manhole on the premises of the GTTC College in Naragund. The students tried to rescue the animal, but could not.

One of the firemen got down into the manhole to strap up the buffalo.

Finally, the Fire and Emergency Services personnel arrived and struggled to pull out the animal. Unable to strap the animal, fireman T Y Karade himself got into the manhole and strapped up the animal so that it could be hauled up. His action drew appreciation from the locals.

The buffalo had suffered some scrape injuries on its back and tail.

Luckily, the buffalo could breathe as its head was sticking outside the manhole while its entire body was inside. Finally, after it was strapped up, the firemen pulled the animal out of the manhole. The buffalo had suffered some scrapes on the back and near the tail, but was pulled out alive.

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