Siddaramaiah: Equitable society should be built with equal distribution of opportunity, wealth

Public TV English
2 Min Read
Chief Minister Sidddaramaiah and writer HamPa Nagarajaiah share a light moment at the event on Friday evening.

BENGALURU: Chief Minister Siddaramaiah has said that social and economic inequality has continued to exist as the country’s wealth and production are accumulating in the hands of a few individuals.

He was speaking at the book release programme held by Kamala Hampana Sahitya Vedike at Gandhi Bhavan on Friday, where he released  ‘Beleku Bittidavaru’, ‘Prakrita Katha Sahitya’ and ‘The Journey of Life’ books.

“Dr Baba Saheb Ambedkar has said that if the country’s freedom is not formed on a social and economic basis, the goal of freedom will not be fulfilled. Thus, if the goal of freedom is to be fulfilled, an equal society should be built with equal distribution of opportunity and wealth in the society”, the CM said.

He further said that an equal society cannot be built without the abolition of caste. “Intercaste marriage is the first step towards caste annihilation. Even our constitution says that ours is a secular society” he pointed out.

The CM praised Hampa Nagarajaiah and Kamala Hampana as an ideal couple, who had an intercaste marriage themselves and also married their three children outside the caste. “Regardless of caste, we must ultimately be human. The love between human beings is dharma. Hate is adharma. But today, dangerous developments are seen where the society that worships hatred is built”, CM said. The CM requested that all of us who are conscious should stop this.

Writer Baraguru Ramachandrappa spoke about the literary works at the programme which was presided over by Hampa Nagarajaiah. Writer G N Mohan and Kamala Hampana were present. (ANI)

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