Curious letters in Banashankari temple hundi for fulfilling wishes

Public TV English
Public TV English
3 Min Read

BENGALURU: The Banashankari temple in the city is visited by hundreds of devotees every day and the presiding deity Banashankari amma is considered a powerful Goddess who fulfils their wishes and prayers. It is said that Banashankari is the sixth incarnation of the warrior-goddess Durga.

Normally, devotees make offering of money in the donation boxes at temples. But the Muzarai Department officials were surprised to find odd letters inside the offerings box at Banashankari temple, seeking divine intervention for marriage, love affairs, settling property disputes, separation of couples and even prosperity.

An interesting letter from a woman was about her desire to get married to an IAS officer. “Amma, I am sorry for my mistake. I wrote in an earlier letter that I did not want to marry anyone other than Gopinath. I don’t want him now. Bless me for my marriage to happen as soon as possible by next year with another boy… A boy with good name, reputation, good heart, good character, rich and wealthy should be no less than any hero. Fix  my marriage with a good IAS officer. My husband should not look at other women and girls with ill intentions. He should love me more and I should be life for him. I have to live with my children and grandchildren. Give me such a good boy after waiting for so many years and shut the mouths of those who criticised me”, she wrote.

Another letter was from a man who prayed that he should get his mother’s property, which is due to him without any hindrance. “Amma, ensure that I get my share of the property without any hindrance”, he wrote.

Curiously, a devotee sought separation of a couple over domestic issues. “Amma, please ensure that Ramya and Umesh separate. One family has already distanced itself because of them. Punish him for his mistake”, the letter read.

A woman prayed that her son get married and lead a good life. The woman’s lettter read, “I have a request, my son Shashank’s marriage is fixed and  the engagement ceremony was also held. The girl who is getting married to my son is Ramya. Bless my son and keep our family happy and away from troubles”.

Like these, many devotees wrote their wishes and prayers and asked to have them fulfilled.

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