BENGALURU: Former MP D K Suresh has filed a complaint with the Bengaluru City Police Commissioner against Aishwarya Gowda, who has allegedly cheated several people using his name, selling gold jewelry and taking money. Suresh has requested the police to investigate and take action in the letter.
“Media reports say that Aishwarya Gowda, a.ka. Navyashree, has misused my name and defrauded several people of gold and money” Suresh said in his complaint.
“Therefore, appropriate investigation should be conducted and legal action should be taken against those who have defrauded people using my name”, Suresh said and appealed that action should be taken to prevent such injustice from happening to other people in the future.
Aishwarya Gowda, also known as Navyashree, has been accused of misusing D K Suresh’s name to cheat people. Suresh has urged the police to take necessary action to prevent further injustice to people.
The police produced Aishwarya Gowda and Harish before the 4th ACMM court and the duo was ordered to be sent to police custody until January 5. The Chandra Layout police took them into custody following the order.