BENGALURU: Drunk students of a prestigious private college were involved in an accident after the car they were travelling in fell into a roadside ditch due to rash driving and left a two-wheeler rider injured on the Anekal-Chandapura main road near Iggalur Lake on the outskirts of Bengaluru.
The students’ rash driving was captured on the dashboard camera of another car. The video shows that the students were driving erratically in the car under the influence of liquor by opening the sunroof and playing loud music in the car. One among them is standing on the open sunroof wearing sunglasses.
They came very close to another car driving erratically on a busy road. They also knocked down a biker rider, leavign him injured. They group stopped for just a while and then fled from the place. The bike rider was taken to the hospital.
There were four to five students in the car, which had a Kerala registration number. The police have filed a case and are on the lookout for the occupants of the car.
Despite having footage, the Surya Nagar police did not take any action against those drunk students. Public alleged that students allegedly tried to bribe the police to close the case. The public is outraged over the incident as the Surya Nagar police did not take any action against them so far.
Locals expressed anger over the repeated incidents of reckless behaviour by college students. They criticized the students for not learning from past incidents. Locals said they concerned about the safety of people on the roads, given the reckless behaviour of some college students.