Case registered against uncle of Murugha Math sexual assault victim for coersion

Public TV English
1 Min Read
The Murugha Mutt in Chitradurga.

CHITRADURGA: In a fresh controversy regarding Murugha Math seer sexual assault case, the minor victim has lodged a complaint against her own uncle alleging that she is being coerced to withdraw the complaint and not to give evidence in court.

The victim had left her uncle’s house in Chitradurga on May 24 and reached the NGO Odanadi in Mysuru. In the meantime, her uncle had lodged a missing person’s complaint at the women’s police station. On Tuesday, the victim returned to Chitradurga with the NGO staff and recorded her statement before the child welfare committee (CWC).

Based on her statement, a complaint was lodged by the district child protection officer Manjula at the women’s police station who have registered a case under Sections 323, 324, 504, 506, 75 and the Juvenile Justice Act.

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