BENGALURU: A video of a BMTC bus driver watching social media reels on his mobile phone while driving has gone viral, sparking public outrage. The incident occurred on the Hosur Road-Lalbagh route and a woman passenger recorded the driver’s reckless act of the driver and shared it on social media.
A BMTC electric bus driver was caught using a mobile phone while driving on Lalbagh Road, showing complete disregard for passenger safety. Such irresponsible behavior, especially in a congested and high-risk area, is extremely alarming. Is this what we call “talent”—watching…
— Karnataka Portfolio (@karnatakaportf) January 16, 2025
The BMTC bus driver can be seen watching reels on his mobile with his hands on the steering wheel while driving. The incident occurred two days ago around 5 pm in the middle of traffic. A woman passenger sitting behind the driver’s seat captured a video on her mobile phone and shared it on social media. She has demanded action against the driver.
Another video of a electric BMTC bus driver’s reckless driving has also gone viral. This incident involved an airport bus driver who crashed into a car at a traffic stop. The drivers did not even bother to maintain minimum distance between the two vehicles.
BMTC bus fails to maintain sufficient distance and rear ends dashcam car 🤐
— ThirdEye (@3rdEyeDude) January 17, 2025
The bus driver stopped very close to to the car, causing a bit of a panic to the car driver. The incident was recorded on the rear camera of the car. When the car moved a little ahead, the bus moved again and hit the car from behind.
The video has raised questions among the public about why some drivers behave recklessly. The incident has sparked outrage among the public, with many demanding action against the driver.