B’luru school offers option to pay 10 years’ fees in one go, sparks debate

Public TV English
Public TV English
3 Min Read

BENGALURU: Parents look to provide the best education for their children and though the cost of education in private schools is high, many parents are willing to pay the hefty school fees to ensure good education for their wards. Paying the annual fees may even be a tough task for middle class families.

Now, a private school in the city is giving parent an option to pay 10 years fee in advance, but this is not compulsory. However, the proposal has sparked a debate among parents who say that when they find it difficult to pay the annual fee, how can they afford to pay for 10 full years at one go.

As per the Advance Fees Scheme 2023-24, every student is eligible and parents can opt to pay the applicable fees in advance for a minimum of 3 years up to the maximum of the remaining number of years of schooling applicable up to Class 10.

Under the scheme, there will be no increase in fees for students who have opted for advance payment for the number of years opted for. Fees can be calculated from the first academic year from when the parent is opting for this facility multiplied by the number of years for which parent opts for the facility.

Some parents have pointed out to a clause which says ‘The refund would be subject to the prevailing LC rules’, and say the circular is unclear about this. Voice of Parents (VOP), an association, has now expressed anger at the school management for floating such a proposal.

Praveenswamy, a parent and member of VOP says parents should not give children’s future in the hands of capitalists. 

Praveenswamy, a parent and member of VOP, giving an example, said if there are 1,000 students and if the annual fee is Rs 1 lakh per child, the school will be collecting Rs 10 crore per year. In India, Education institutions should be non-profit organisations, otherwise it becomes business. The government is unable to regulate the fee structure in private schools. As a parent, we should not be give our children’s future in the hands of capitalists and we must question this sort of objectionable proposals in private schools”.

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